The Geek Vision

Hello Geeks, You liked my last article on app monetization "10 Different ways to monetize tour app or game". Now i am here with a new article on app monetization through native advertisement.

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

What Is Native Advertisement :

Native advertisement is a type of disguised  advertising, usually online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears.
So we can say that all "Sponsored Content" is native advertisement. Sponsored content may contain promotional videos, posts, articles, brands and a specific promotional products etc., which are adaptable to the better user experience.

Native ads For Developers :

Being a developer, we need a appropriate revenue from our games or apps that should worth their work, without dealing with users experience. No app can successful unless it can return a sufficient income to developer to work on its upgraded versions.

Let just take a look that what every developer looks in a better monetization method :-

- High and Effective Revenue
- Not Compromising User's Overall Experience
- Reduce app User's Drop-Off
- Suits a app for better user experience

App monetization through native ads is a perfect choice to taking care of all the above aspects. Native ads fits in all the above aspects. So choosing app monetization is the best option to increase app revenue and for a better user experience.

Let's talk a look, Why native ads are so profitable :-

Why Native Ads :

This is important to know that why should we use native advertising to monetize our app or game, and why native advertisement if profitable.
Just let's take a look on some of the points :-

- Provides a good user experience
- Increases sales for publishers
- Not so annoying like banner ads
- Native ads are too adaptable to our app or games environment
- Better Ad performance, Increases revenue without making any hamper on user's overall        experience 
- Native ads creates a real engagement with the users
- Native ads are not blocked by adblockers
- The world budget of native advertising will reach $21 billions by 2018

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers
                                                                          Source - Inmobi

Let's take a look at the numbers, what Danny Wong says about Native advertisement at  Sharealohic :-

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

Greg Brown at Hobspot says that - 

"Native advertisement is not just about placement, It's about being native to user expectations and experience of seeking relevant content through reading"

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers
                          Source - Hubspot

Some Of The Examples Of popular Websites :-

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

Now a days Social Media Platforms like - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google too, are using native advertisement to monetize their apps or websites. You can see sponsored stories on facebook, promoted tweets on twitter and adword advertisement on Google. So we can say that native ads are more effective then traditional ads like banners. According to me these are quite friendly to the user experience.

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

Some of the popular sites like- Buzzfeed, Upworthy are using native advertisement for monetization.

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

Messaging app Tango is using native ads, and many other popular apps and games like- Angry Bird Go, are using native ads for app monetization.

App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers  App Monetization Through Native Ads : A Golden Biscuit For Publishers

Some best ad-networks for app monetization through native ads :

# Conclusion :

App monetization through native ads are a best choice according to me. Native ads are the future of ad-industry, Because native ads are adaptable to the environment and increases click through rate, native ads are user friendly. Using Native ads for monetization can increase your app or game's revenue share.
So In the conclusion native ads are the future of ad industry.

Read Must :

- 10 Different Ways To Monetize Your App Or Game

Post a Comment

  1. Great article. I think you should also add this network for video monetization.


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