The Geek Vision

If you are a professional blogger or a newbie who wanna make a career in blogging. Then you should be aware of writing great content. because blogging means "Content Writing". A rich written content makes your blog stand out for SEO or increases your blog's search engine ranking.

What is Great Content:

Great content is always related to SEO. It will involve writing tightly focused text that includes a set of keywords or phrases. High quality or great content includes good keywords that appear in the right density. quality content ensures you for good search engine ranking. Quality written content also attracts a good number of users.

Here I am telling you some awesome steps for "how to craft quality content for your blog" - 

1. Create Original Content:

unique content
                                                           Source - yourengagingsolutions

Be unique with your content. try to create a different image of your blog with your users by giving a unique or different experience to your users.
Creating unique or original content can be a milestone for your blog's SEO or Search Engine Ranking. 
Many newbie bloggers use shortcut tricks to craft quality or rich content to their blog, they use them to copy-paste other websites or blogs content to their post. and this shortcut becomes the reason for ruining their blogging career.
Please make in mind that the Google algorithm is now updated which is aimed at bad and duplicate content from ranking highly.
So please don't use these stupid tricks for quality content crafting.

2. Always Create Standing Out Headlines:

Headline quote

A Good heading speaks everything. Because headlines indicate the subject matters or heading in the text indicating the nature of the article below it.

Here are some facts about headlines. Take a look at these great statics from Copyblogger- 

- 80% of people will read your headlines
- only 20% of the rest of people will read the rest of your content

To create an effective or topic-based headline. or your headline should be eye-catching.

3. Do Some Research on The Relevant Topic:

Writing post daily did not worth if there are not rich or quality content. Because quality article gives an outstanding experience to users.
So do some research on the topic of what you are writing or take enough time for content writing.
As you all know that sometimes we don't have enough information or knowledge about the topic on which we are writing. Doing some research is the perfect way to grab information and some experience too. There many professionals bloggers or content writer who doesn't know about the topic before they start writing on it but they make a research on it and also make some analysis and after that, they write a killer content and convinces their readers in a better way.
So keep learning before you telling your experience to your users.
So take some time and do some research before writing content for your blog. and please keep some patience and take your time. Because only quality content worth for blogging.

4. Implement Some keywords:

content keywords

Make in mind that- "A quality content includes good keywords appearing in the right density. Keywords play a lead role as a booster in SEO or Search Engine ranking. So keywords play the main role to drive organic traffic to your blog. Include some long-tail keywords in your title or headings. 
                                         To use good content keywords you can take advantage of "Google keyword Planner Tool".

5. Be Accurate With Your Provided Information:

That point is very necessary or important. Because when you write a post or article on your blog thousands of people read it. If you write something that turns out to be incorrect, Can you imagine that what damage will happen to your blog's or personal reputation? 
Keep in mind that content is the reflection of your blog and the blog is the reflection of your company. 
Writing incorrect information is not to be palatable or welcome. If your content turns to be incorrect then you could lose your user base.
So be accurate in your reporting or sourcing information.

 6. Do use of Some Facts or Surveys:

                                                               Source - growth energy
Including some facts or surveys can help out your users for better understanding. Fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
The survey is a look closely examine(Someone or Something)
So try to implement some facts and surveys to make your user's experience better.

7. Add Some Relevant images or Videos:

Try to communicate better by adding some relevant images or videos. You already know that every person has different learning skills. Someone learns by reading, Some learn by hearing and someone learns better by seeing. So why not implement all the methods of learning in our post or article.
So to craft quality content add some facts and surveys, or at least add some images or videos for better communication to your readers. You can add some images of graphs, polls too. And you should provide a video too. Because practical is always better than reading or studying.

8. Write Short and Sweet or Pointed Content:

Craft a short or pointed content. Please don't create useless or worthless content. and don't try to expand your content much more, because this can be boring to read to your readers. Just make your keywords or sentences pointed or short.
You already know that nobody likes to read too much so don't mess up with huge or useless content or don't focus on your word count "A Longer post doesn't mean a great post".

There is nothing better than brief to-the-point content that is filled with good information.
Please avoid repeating sentences or phrases. AVOID REPEATING.

Avoid Repeating
                                                 AVOID REPEATING ( Source - Blog. Office )

9. Create Engaging Content:

engaging content
                                              Source - hupik

Here are some points to create engaging content - 

- Make sure content is relevant to your audience and help them with an issue they have right now.

- Give your audience something that they can't find anywhere else.

- Readers Loves Stories: Tell the audience a story. You can tell the story about your experience to the readers. The story can also help clarify a point. when possible, add a story to your post. it will help your post more engaging and also helps your users to learn more effectively.

- Leave Readers with Questions: Invite the readers to engage with you further by adding a call to action. It doesn't mean to have an incomplete post, but rather to include questions that make your readers reflect on how they can implement the knowledge you provided.

- Be Able To Provide Answers: Let the users make questions and you just try to resolve their concerns by giving better answers or solutions. this can help you to create better communication between you and your readers.

10. Make Continuous  Updates to Your Blog or Website:

Making a blog or writing a couple of posts is not enough. Updating your blog from time to time helps you for a better SEO or increases Search Engine Ranking. Because search engines love those websites or blogs which update from time to time.

If you have a blog or content site then this is important to update it regularly with great content. Mostly of websites are regularly updated.

# Conclusion :

- Not Every Post Needs to go Viral: That is not definite that your every post goes viral so never lose hope.

- Brainstorm Regularly: It is most recommended. Brainstorm ideas and tricks every time and try to do your best.

- Accept That Your Blog Posts can Never be Perfect:  We know that anyone can't be perfect so that your blog posts can never be perfect. Because you can not give all the information to your users. So accept that point and keep improving.

- Speak with your own tune and style - Use your own tune and style in content and make your content unique.

- Make your own passion

- The more you practice, the more you get. so keep writing.

That's it, Hope this helps.

Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions by posting a comment below. 

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  1. Nice... Just caught the article when I was thinking about starting a blog.


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